Package: textTools 0.1.0

textTools: Functions for Text Cleansing and Text Analysis

A framework for text cleansing and analysis. Conveniently prepare and process large amounts of text for analysis. Includes various metrics for word counts/frequencies that scale efficiently. Quickly analyze large amounts of text data using a text.table (a data.table created with one word (or unit of text analysis) per row, similar to the tidytext format). Offers flexibility to efficiently work with text data stored in vectors as well as text data formatted as a text.table.

Authors:Timothy Conwell

textTools.pdf |textTools.html
textTools/json (API)

# Install 'textTools' in R:
install.packages('textTools', repos = c('', ''))


This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1.00 score 4 scripts 244 downloads 47 exports 1 dependencies

Last updated 4 years agofrom:83bcb2e07b. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 15 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 15 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 15 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 15 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 15 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 15 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 15 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 15 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Convert a data.table column of character vectors into a column with one row per word grouped by a grouping column. Optionally will split a column of strings into vectors of
Flag rows in a text.table with specific wordsflag_words
Parts of speech for English words from the Moby Project.l_pos
Add a column with the parts of speech for each word in a text.tablelabel_parts_of_speech
Create n-gramsngrams
Parts of speech for English words from the Moby Project.pos
Regular expression that might be used to split strings of text into component paragraphs.regex_paragraph
Regular expression that might be used to split strings of text into component sentences.regex_sentence
Regular expression that might be used to split strings of text into component words.regex_word
Delete rows in a text.table where the number of identical records within a group is more than a certain thresholdrm_frequent_words
Delete rows in a text.table where the number of identical records within a group is less than a certain thresholdrm_infrequent_words
Delete rows in a text.table where the word has more than a minimum number of charactersrm_long_words
Delete rows in a text.table where the records within a group are not also found in other groups (overlapping records)rm_no_overlap
Delete rows in a text.table where the records within a group are also found in other groups (overlapping records)rm_overlap
Delete rows in a text.table where the word has a certain part of speechrm_parts_of_speech
Delete rows in a text.table where the record has a certain pattern indicated by a regular expressionrm_regexp_match
Delete rows in a text.table where the word has less than a minimum number of charactersrm_short_words
Remove rows from a text.table with specific wordsrm_words
Generates (pseudo)random strings of the specified char lengthsampleStr
Vector of lowercase English stop words.stopwords
Detect if there are any words in a vector also found in another vector.str_any_match
Count the intersecting words in a vector that are found in another vector (only counts unique words).str_count_intersect
Calculates the intersect divided by union of two vectors of words.str_count_jaccard_similarity
Count the words in a vector that are found in another vector.str_count_match
Count the words in a vector that are not found in another vector.str_count_nomatch
Count words from a vector that are found in the same position in another vector.str_count_positional_match
Count words from a vector that are not found in the same position in another vector.str_count_positional_nomatch
Count the words in a vector that don't intersect with another vector (only counts unique words).str_count_setdiff
Create a list of a vector of unique words found in x and a vector of the counts of each word in x.str_counts
Combine columns of a data.table into a list in a new column, wraps list(unlist(c(...)))str_dt_col_combine
Extract words from a vector that are found in another vector.str_extract_match
Extract words from a vector that are not found in another vector.str_extract_nomatch
Extract words from a vector that are found in the same position in another vector.str_extract_positional_match
Extract words from a vector that are not found in the same position in another vector.str_extract_positional_nomatch
Remove and replace excess white space from strings.str_rm_blank_space
Remove words from a vector that have more than a maximum number of characters.str_rm_long_words
Remove and replace non-alphanumeric characters from strings.str_rm_non_alphanumeric
Remove and replace non-printable characters from strings.str_rm_non_printable
Remove and replace numbers from strings.str_rm_numbers
Remove and replace punctuation from strings.str_rm_punctuation
Remove words from a vector that match a regular expression.str_rm_regexp_match
Remove words from a vector that don't have a minimum number of characters.str_rm_short_words
Remove words from a vector of words found in another vector of words.str_rm_words
Remove words from a vector based on the number of characters in each word.str_rm_words_by_length
Create a vector of English words associated with particular parts of speech.str_stopwords_by_part_of_speech
Calls base::tolower(), which converts letters to lowercase. Only included to point out that base::tolower exists and should be used directly.str_tolower
Weighted count of the words in a vector that are found in another vector.str_weighted_count_match